Social Media Expert
Social Media Expert
Our advertiser!
iZi Media | Digital Marketing – Social Media
Emmanuela is a digital marketing specialist with extensive experience in managing social media and online projects for clients ranging from the beauty industry to technology. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in “Marketing” and a Master’s Degree in “International Business” from the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in Sofia, Bulgaria.
With more than 9 years of experience, she works as a media analyst, social media manager, and creates content by managing and creating campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google My Business, and Google Ads. She also creates visual material such as banners, newsletters, and visual content for customers’ social media profiles.
She specializes in maintaining the content of the site as she is responsible for updates, control over ad performance, proper pricing, and detailed product descriptions. She also processes photos and descriptions, optimizing product pages and organizing categories for a more effective website.
She has an endless curiosity about the latest digital and social trends. She is a person who seeks knowledge and is willing to be informed about all the new trends and updates on all social media, branding, and advertising.
+30 211 234 2706
+359 87 77 85 922
Working Experience
E-shop Management.
Business account creation on Social Media.
Account management and ads creation on Social Media.
Grammar checking and proofreading.
Zlatitsa, Bulgaria
E-shop Management/ Social Media/ Proofing/
E-shop Management.
Business account creation on Social Media.
Account management and ads creation on Social Media.
Thessaloniki, Greece
E-shop Management/ Social Media/
E-shop Management.
Business account creation on Social Media.
Account management and ads creation on Social Media.
Sofia, Bulgaria